Get Involved at Grenville Baker
The success of Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club is made possible thanks to the generous support from all of our community members and friends. Without this support we could not help all the children and families we help every year. We do this work with you and we truly appreciate all that you do.
If you are interested in becoming a supporter of the Club as an alumni, donor, or volunteer, please visit the pages below to learn more about how you can get involved with the Club.

Our Alumni are an important part of our mission because they are walking proof of our success. Whether you were a Club member just a year ago or were one of our first members, you are a key part in the Grenville Baker family.
Join our Alumni Association so you can stay involved at the Club and hear all about how amazing the Club continues to be. You are also welcome to share your store with us so members of today can hear about the Club of the past.
The Club would not be possible without the generous donations we receive each year. Every contribution to the Club helps strengthen our award-winning programs, helps launch new ones, and ensures that our children have a safe and fun environment where they can learn and grow.
The Club welcomes donations of any kind and any size, and on behalf of our community’s children we thank you for your continued support.
The success of our many great events and fundraisers is thanks to our outstanding and dedicated volunteers. These volunteers commit their time and energy to making our events as fun and exciting as possible for our kids.
There are many great opportunities to volunteer here at Grenville Baker and we welcome any time or expertise you can provide our kids.