For the Love of Pets: Teens learn about Veterinary Science with Banfield Pet Hospital

On December 9, 2020 our teens had a very special and interactive presentation with a veterinarian from Banfield Pet Hospitalthe largest veterinary practice in the country with more than 1,000 hospitals. For the session, our teens virtually met with Dr. Roxanne Suarez, Chief of Staff at the Banfield Middletown Hospital, along with special guest, Rocky the Pomeranian. The purpose of the event was to help teens explore what kind of schooling and skills are needed to become a veterinarian or a veterinarian technician and what it’s like to care for all kinds of animals.  

Dr. Suarez explained that she specializes in the care of small animals but that there are a number of other areas of specialization, including horsesfarm animals, and exotic animals. Our teen group was highly engaged, asking questions about Dr. Suarez’s experience delivering baby animalswhat surgery is likeand how she knew she wanted to become a veterinarian. This last question was especially relevant to our group as they prepare to graduate high school and pursue higher education.  

Watch the Banfield Pet Academy Series!

As part o f the session, our teens were provided with informational books about “The Science of Loving Pets” and invited to watch a series of videos about caring for animals called “Banfield Pet Academy for Kids. These videos are hosted by Banfield doctors and licensed veterinary technicians from around the country in which they share their love of pets and the profession. Plus, the videos offer insights that kids can use right now to understand their pets as topics range from “The Language of Pets” to “Pet Tricks and Treats. You can view and share the whole video series by Clicking Here.   

This presentation by Dr. Suarez was part of a larger partnership with Boys & Girls Club of America to inspire young people from all walks of life, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds to consider a career in veterinary medicine.  Moreover, Banfield has made a generous donation to Grenville Baker Boys & Girls Club as part of its commitment to supporting youth of diverse backgroundsOur Clubour teens, and future pets of the world are incredibly grateful. 


To learn more about Banfield Pet Hospitals, you can follow them on:

FB: (BanfieldPetHospital) 

IG: @banfieldpethospital 

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